Instructions to receive Daily Quest Reward
Daily Quest Overview Description
Players complete daily quests to accumulate Activity Points (activity points)
Accumulating activity points to reach the milestone will receive the corresponding reward
Is a task that the user can do every day to receive a reward = Gem
Daily quest will be reset every day at 0:00 UTC ==> In case the user completes without receiving it, it will be lost after reset
Daily Quest config :
Time reset : 00:00:00 UTC
Gem reward: Based on Activity point will unlock the reward milestone
Condition Quest [],
Players complete daily quests to accumulate Activity Points (activity points)
Accumulating activity points to reach the milestone will receive the corresponding reward
For free users --> Max can get Gold
Exchange with NFT user --> Can get "Add" Gem
Description of Daily Quest's quest system:
Every day at the Game interface will Display Daily quest including:
+ List of tasks to be completed for the day
+ Point activity corresponding to each task
+ The reward received corresponds to the activity point collected
+ Claim Reward each milestone
* Enable only after meeting the Claim condition ( current activity point >= activity point require )
* When User Touch Reward Milestone -> Receive reward as Gold or Gem depending on milestone
To participate in the Daily Quest, users perform the following steps:
Step 1: In the Lobby user interface, you need to click on the ink "QUEST”
Step 2: In the Quest screen interface, if you want to do any Quest first, just click the “GO” button to go to the required task interface and perform
Step 3: After completing the required tasks, to receive GOLD/GEM at landmarks, users need to click on the corresponding interface below.
Step 4: Receive GOLD successfully, complete the appropriate progress.
Last updated